
Genetic Resources

Genetic resources are fundamental to sustainable food production. However, agricultural practices can impact existing genetic diversity. This measurement area seeks to clarify how companies support the conservation of genetic resources and how they share the benefits resulting from the use of publicly available genetic material.

Conservation of genetic resources
The growth of the formal seed sector can reduce local crop diversity currently conserved on farms and in communities. Seed companies can help conserve local crop and genetic diversity, for instance by supporting public gene banks and community seed initiatives.

Access and benefit sharing
Access and benefit sharing (ABS) refers to the way in which companies obtain genetic resources and how they share the benefits that result from their use, thereby contributing to international efforts to promote the conservation and use of genetic resources. This requires having a ‘track and trace system’ in place that demonstrates the origin of genetic resources used by companies and how access was obtained. Benefit sharing includes monetary and non-monetary contributions to conservation and use of genetic resources, such as to the Global Crop Diversity Trust in accordance with multilateral agreements like the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

B.I. Commitment
B.I.1 Policy on the conservation and use of genetic diversity

The company has a policy statement in place that demonstrates its commitment to the conservation and use of genetic diversity in index countries.

B.II Performance
B.II.1 Conservation of genetic resources

The company is involved in programs and/or initiatives that encourage the conservation of a diverse set of crops and genetic resources used by smallholder farmers in index countries, such as through collaboration with and/or support for international, national and/or community gene banks.

B.II.2 Access to genetic resources

The company makes genetic resources available, for example through the multilateral system of the IT-PGRFA.

B.II.3 Track and trace system

The company has a system in place that demonstrates the origin of and the way in which the genetic resources used in its breeding programs and commercial portfolio were obtained.

B.II.4 Benefit sharing

The company contributes monetary and/or non-monetary forms of benefit sharing as outlined in international treaties such as the IT-PGRFA.

B.III Transparency
B.III.1 Transparency in Genetic Resources

The company reports publicly on its policies, practices and results in this area.

B.IV Leadership
B.IV.1 Leadership in Genetic Resources

The company has established innovative models or leading practices in this area.