Access to Seeds Index is mentioned as an initiative that aims to support the development of African agriculture.
“…sono tante le organizzazioni non profit di tutto il monde che lavorano a sostegno dell’Africa Sub-Sahariana. Ne è esempio il recente rapporto publicato dalla Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in collaborazione con il Governo olandse, “Access to Seeds Index”, volto ad incoraggiare le aziende di sementi ad intensificare gli sforzi e a colmare i divari tra l’industria sementiera e i piccoli produttori in Africa orientale.”
“there are many non-profit organizations around the monde who work in support agriculture of Sub-Saharan Africa. One example is the recent report published by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with the Dutch government , “Access to Seeds Index”, aimed at encouraging to intensify efforts seed companies and to bridge the gaps between the seed industry and small producers in East Africa.”
Read article in Corriere Ortofrutticolo (in italian)
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